Thursday, May 20, 2004

The beginning...

So this is my first post, if possible I will modify it later on. All post I will do from here will be full of spelling as well as grammar errors so let me apologize for this right here and now.

I will try a common journal web page as well, if I find it more convenient it will use one of those instead this blog.

The blog will be rather for me as journal about my trip to Ireland. If things go well I will study there for one year or rather 9 month to be exact.

My next step will be to make a request for "BAföG" the last step I took was the decision to not share the place, wherever I will stay, with my friends that are going with me. This step was not taken easily but I hope it puts in a better position to grow up a little bit more and to experience the country as well as the language even more.


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